hitting refresh.

Hitting Refresh.

At first I as going to apologize about the lack of a Friday post but then I realized that you probably didn’t even notice and… I’m actually not sorry about it. We all need a little break sometimes, you know? I always go into my trips home thinking I’ll use the downtime to be ultra productive and knock out a ton of blog-related things and then the complete opposite happens – I leave the city behind and get back to the quiet slow of life in the country and I instantly go into refresh mode. I’ve started to think of it as basically putting my brain through a “power cycle”, just as I do my electronics when they start acting up. There’s something pretty powerful in just shutting off and giving yourself time to refresh and slow down.

I’m heading back to San Francisco tomorrow morning and feeling recharged and ready to get back to city life and a calendar full of busy (my best friend Sam is visiting us for Memorial Day weekend! I cannot wait!). The next time you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and worn down, don’t beat yourself up over taking a break and hitting refresh. I promise the world will continue to function if you close the laptop early or decide to skip out on social media for a few days. We’ll all still be here when you return and giving yourself some time to unwind will do you a world of good.