june highlights.

Woah now. Where the heck did June go? As I sat down to pull together this month’s highlights it all was a bit of a blur and it was pretty hard to remember what happened this month vs. May (sometimes they all just blend together). After reminding myself what exactly I did this month I realized it was definitely the quietest month I’ve had in awhile – which was a welcome change.


Some highlights from my month:

Savoring the glory of summer in Chicago and finally forgetting about the Polar Vortex

Sharing the details of my polka dot wall DIY project

A fresh haircut from Carl at Sine Qua Non in Lincoln Park

My first run in a LONG time – a 5K with my office (and a top 10 female finish!)

Taking my new Kate Spade bag out for a spin with a classic Friday outfit

Starting (and finishing) season 2 of Orange is the New Black

A rather guilty looking dog after stealing her old toy out of the trash

Dinner with MODE Media at Quartino + catching up with Hallie

Working from home sushi lunch and dog walks

Enjoying the view at 52Eighty lounge at a MODE Media happy hour

Celebrating B’s birthday at Au Cheval with the most amazing burgers

Fetch. Lots and lots of fetch (as usual)

Spending some time poolside with a drink in hand

Savoring peony season with some pretties on my coffee table

Feeling like the luckiest girl in the world thanks to a handsome guy and cute pup

Wearing the most amazing linen pants from Ann Taylor

Mastering the art of frizz free summertime curls with some new favorites

Realizing that it’s impossible to have a bad day when you’re wearing pink pants


Seeing Ray Lamontagne at Northerly Island with Sam

Rocking the perfect summer braid thanks to the Sine Qua Non Style Bar

Celebrating my 5 year adoption anniversary with my Callie girl

Admiring the gorgeous views along the lakefront. Summertime Chi, you’re great

How was your June? What are some of the highlights from your month? Are you ready for 4th of July weekend?