

// print via Olive & Birch

Just wanted to quickly pop in and wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. While I don’t love the turkey aspect of Thanksgiving, I do appreciate the time we spend reflecting on what we’re thankful for and the general sense of appreciation we all have on our minds. I hope that your day is filled with gratitude and what brings you joy, whether that’s a day full of activity or just laying low and relaxing.

With my family still back on the east coast I’ve had to choose between Thanksgiving and Christmas in terms of trips home – I’ve chose Christmas the past few years and in return, ended up with a pretty lonely Thanksgiving in Chicago. This year I’m really lucky to have been able to see my family just last week and be spending a few days outside of the city with my boyfriend’s family (big step, I know) for Thanksgiving – I couldn’t be happier.

So indulge, relax and reflect. That’s what today is all about and I hope it’s a wonderful one for you.
