happiness is…

Last week’s trip to New York created the perfect opportunity to stay east an extra day and make a quick trip to see my family & visit my hometown. It had been quite awhile (Christmas to be exact) and the stillness of New Jersey vs. the hustle and bustle of the city provided just the right amount of quiet time for some reflection. I’ve mentioned before that happiness is a bit of an ongoing struggle for me – I have a hard time savoring the individual moments that lead to happiness overall and instead find myself often thinking too far ahead; it’s always about what’s next? 

Overall I can honestly say (for the first time in a long time) that I am happy. I feel like I am finally allowing myself to settle in to a feeling of comfort and contentment… things are good. In an effort to maintain this new found happiness, I’ve been thinking about the individual moments that create the overall feeling. I’m realizing that happiness truly looks different for everyone and figuring out that my own personal path toward it may not be the same as anyone else’s. Here are some things that are top of mind at the moment:

  • A large twist cone with rainbow sprinkles
  • Pulling over on the drive home to pet horses
  • Driving through your hometown at sunset with the windows down
  • Listening to songs that remind you of being a teenager
  • An extra enthusiastic welcome home from your dog
  • The feeling of satisfaction after crossing items off of a handwritten to do list
  • Being completely immersed in a new book and the escape it provides
  • Mornings spent lounging in bed with clean sheets and coffee
  • Having something on the calendar countdown worthy
  • Knowing the same person you’ve been thinking about all day is thinking about you

What is happiness to you? Do you ever take time to reflect on the little things that contribute to feeling happy?