new york, new beginnings.

// view from my company’s NYC rooftop

Hello from NYC! This week has been an exciting whirlwind of new beginnings – I wrapped things up at my job on Monday and hopped on a 6 AM flight Tuesday to New York to spend the first week of my new job at the agency’s headquarters (no, I’m not moving here!). I’ve learned to embrace new beginnings and enjoy the possibilites that come with change; there’s a certain excitement in the uncomfortableness of it all. The anticipation of what’s ahead and the adventure of finding your way.

I’m thrilled to say that I’m loving it so far and everything just feels right. It’s great to be back on the east coast and I’m even able to sneak in a quick trip back to New Jersey to spend some time with my family whom I haven’t seen since Christmas. A day in the rural, small town I grew up in will be just the right escape before heading back to Chicago (and Callie of course).

While plenty of celebratory festivities took place last week over many cocktails and margaritas, I still can’t shake the excitement of this new beginning. Cheers to all that’s ahead.

Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy cocktails at PUBLIC Hotels last week! It was incredible to have so many friends join me to marvel over my guest bartending skills ;) and celebrate all that is pretty & fun. I’m still amazed by the connections I’ve made in Chicago over the past two years… from moving here knowing less than five people total to now having such fantastic people in my life. You’re all the best.