three years of blogging.


Three years ago today I sat down at my computer, wrote my very first post and officially took the big step into the blog world. It was a time where I was feeling a little lost – I had recently moved back into my parents’ house after a breakup cut the lease on my first apartment short and my hometown just did not feel right anymore; I just didn’t feel like I fit. Over the past three years blogging has helped me create a home and life for myself in Chicago after making the 800 mile move alone; it’s created opportunities that I never dreamed were possible and has connected me to some of my very best friends. It’s been a labor of love with late nights after work and weekends spent with my laptop, all totally fueled by passion. I’ll be the first to admit that blogging is a ton of work and the only reason I’ve been able to find time is because I’ve prioritized it over other areas of my life, but at the end of the day, it’s been absolutely worth it. Starting this blog is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Thank you for being part of an incredible three years and something that’s made a pretty profound impact on my life. I can’t wait to see what’s ahead and I’m lucky to be working on something I’m so passionate about with this amazing little community there alongside me.

For those of you who are also Chicago-based, I’ll be hosting two events this month and I’d love to be able to thank you personally while shopping a bit and enjoying some bubbly:

Cait Invite

// Stop by Madewell on Rush Street on Friday, March 21 to celebrate spring with a special discount copy

// Check out my favorite styled looks with small bites & cocktails