5 places to find inspiration.

I’m sure we all know the feeling all too well – a to do list that’s a mile long and no motivation in sight. Whether it’s for work or for blogging, this feeling can be extremely frustrating and leave us feeling deflated and frustrated. To be honest, it’s something I deal with all the time – sometimes it’s work being hectic and leaving me with no energy to blog, or sometimes it’s the opposite where the blog side of my life just feels much more exciting and I struggle to focus on work because it’s not as fun.


Feeling uninspired and unmotivated sucks. Plain and simple. But there are some things you can do to help shake that feeling – a few tricks I’ve picked up over the years:

  1. Take a Walk: Sometimes the best thing that you can do is just step away for a few minutes – getting some fresh air and clearing your head will help you refocus. While you’re away from your computer, take a good look around; inspiration is truly everywhere and you may notice an outfit, building or even just lighting that you find inspiring.
  2. Browse Pinterest: Warning: set a timer before doing this to avoid spending hours sucked into Pinterest. But seriously, Pinterest is FULL of inspiration, both big and small. During your designated “Pinterest time” pin all items you’re drawn to on an “Inspiration” secret board. At the end of your session, analyze what you had pinned and pull out any key themes, then run with those ideas.
  3. Listen a TED Talk: Every. single. time. I listen to a TED talk, I end up feeling inspired. There are so many options out there – it’s the perfect way to gain new perspective, learn something new or just feel motivated or inspired again. This is one thing I definitely want to make more of a habit because they’re just so great.
  4. Set Goals: Grab a Post It and make a list of goals, both big and small. Seeing what you’d like to accomplish can be a huge push and you can be an inspiration to yourself! Think not only about what the end goal is, but take a moment to reflect on what you’ll need to do to get there. Then get to work!
  5. Timed Brainstorm: Set a timer for five minutes, pick a topic, grab a pen and paper and brain dump new ideas or possibilities. No idea is a bad idea! Focusing solely on generating new ideas could lead to something huge.

How do you find inspiration when you’re feeling drained? Any tips for getting your motivation back?