5 winter boosts for your home.

We’ve been going a little stir crazy lately and although I can’t quite blame the weather after moving out to California, I still think it’s a serious case of the winter blues. When we moved out to San Francisco we brought very little with us and while this has made for a nice clean slate, it’s also created a massive apartment-related to do list. And this isn’t just any ordinary to do list, it’s one that drives me totally crazy and consumes me – I’m a homebody by nature which means I also am a bit obsessive about my space. I want this apartment done, and I want it done now.

Unfortunately I can’t wave a magic wand and have everything instantly finished. I also haven’t quite found that money tree I’ve heard about (wouldn’t that be nice?!) so I’ve been focusing on some easy ways to boost our space and make it feel like home even without being perfectly decorated and done.

I figured you might be suffering from some winter blues yourself, especially for my friends back in Chicago and on the east coast, so I wanted to share some tips of ways to make the most of your extra time at home.

5 Winter Boosts For Your Home.

Purge and Refresh Your Closets: Yes, I know… it’s not quite time for spring cleaning yet but getting a head start never hurt nobody. Go through your closets and do a little organizing and weed out anything you haven’t worn recently within your winter wardrobe. Make separate piles for what you’ll donate, what you can sell on eBay or Poshmark, or what needs to be trashed. While you’re spending some extra time in your closet it’s probably also a good idea to get caught up on laundry and adding a shake of Unstopables’ In-Wash Scent Booster will give you up to twelve weeks of delicious smelling laundry (ideal!).

5 Winter Boosts For Your Home.

Brighten Up: Regardless of the weather, some fresh flowers and a lit candle always go a long way to boost the vibe of your space and your mood while you’re in it. Treat yourself to some blooms that remind you that spring is on its way, like tulips, and make sure they’re somewhere you’ll see them often. A candle will not only set the mood but also can add a fragrance to improve the atmosphere – this candle from the Unstopables line combines lavender with cedar and vanilla tones to create a calming environment.

5 Winter Boosts For Your Home.

Tackle a DIY Project: If you’re going to be spending some extra time indoors you might as well tackle a project you’ve been meaning to do. Hanging art can make a huge difference in your space in terms of adding color and personality. A DIY gallery wall full of favorite art finds instantly creates a focal point in your space. Rolling up your sleeves and getting to work can go a long way!

5 Winter Boosts For Your Home.

Do Some Deep Cleaning: Even if your space looks neat and tidy, it might still be in desperate need of some deep cleaning and a little elbow grease. Spend a weekend afternoon focusing on the areas of your space that might be getting ignored in your usual cleaning routine – dust on top of the fridge, mop the floors and maybe even clean your oven. Once you’re all done and your space is sparkling, a few spays of Unstopables Air Freshener around key areas (think near the trash can or in my case, Callie’s bed) will make sure your home smells as great as it looks.

5 Winter Boosts For Your Home.

Restyle With Accessories: Nate Berkus is a wise, wise man and I couldn’t agree more with his philosophy around remixing your space – “When you get bored with your room, the easiest thing to do is switch it up! Consider moving your sofa to another wall, bring in a side table from another room, swap out your throw pillows. You can totally refresh a room without spending a cent. For curtains, couches and rugs that can’t be washed, a few spritzes of Unstopables Fabric refresher will add long-lasting freshness.”. Brilliant!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.